Rush Skeletonweed, a perennial weed, continues to invade new areas in Umatilla County. I looked at a small patch of Skeletonweed near Athena, Oregon this week. Almost 25 years has passed since I was involved in the first sighting of Skeletonweed in our county. While it has not spread as quickly as we first thought it would, it has continued to move into new areas over the years.
Perennial weeds will likely be an increasing threat as we reduce the amount of tillage in our production system. Also as we plant perennial buffers along waterways and streams, perennial weeds like Canada Thistle, Russian Knapweed and Skeletonweed will likely get established and require more attention. For more information on weeds and their control visit the following sites:http://extension.oregonstate.edu/umatilla/cereals/weeds/rush and the Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook.
In my many travels to Tri-Cities WA I am very concerned about the amount of Rush SK growing in Kennewick and along I-82 (both sides of the freeway and in the median). I sent an e-mail to the Benton Co. Weed Dept. with no response. The e-mail I got from their website was probably no good. There is CRP on both sides of the freeway and the wind blows directly at Umatilla Co. There is also quite a bit of SK growing in the Hermiston area on private property. Private property owners either don't know how bad this weed is or they don't care. I also am concerned about all weeds but russian knapweed and white top have exploded in Morrow County with little to no control efforts. By JG. Comments sent via email.