One of our blog readers asked the question, "How did the rains and temperatures affect the results in 2011?"
The following is Don Wysocki's reply:
In my opinion, results
of early planted winter canola are subject to the same variation that wheat yields are
each year. The 2011 harvest was a good year for yield. The 2012 harvest year was not
quite so good, but still a good year.
The difference in early
versus Sept 1 planting is the ability to get a consistent stand. The early
planting does not increase yield over a September 1 planting if the September 1
planting establishes and has an adequate stand. It is just that its much
more difficult to get a stand September 1 than it is June 15.
We see yield potential loss after September 20 even with good stands. The
two most important factors for canola yield are
- stand establishment and
- bloom period.
Sincerely, Don