Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OSU Cereal Seminar & Sustainable Ag Forum

Stripe rust, wireworm control, new drill prototype, microbiology and nitrogen fertilizer management are just a few of the wide array of topics to be covered at the Columbia Basin Cereal Seminar & Sustainable Ag Forum on December 14 present in partnership by OSU Extension and Umatilla County Soil and Water Conservation District. 

The open session will begin with a conservation research update in low rainfall zones by Bill Schillinger of Washington State University in Lind, Washington. Dr. Schillinger’s work has focused on reduced and no-till dryland cropping systems for cereal crops in the Pacific Northwest. He will be talking about the development and testing of new deep-furrow drill prototypes, his successes with winter triticale, and no-till summer fallow. 

In addition, McGregor Company will be bringing a section of their new deep-furrow drill to the seminar and it will be on display at the BMCC Ag Complex where the seminar lunch will be served. In the afternoon breakout session on Precision Ag, Paul Buchholtz of McGregor Company will present additional information about the drill and how their testing and development program is going for it use in the PNW.
Other presenters during the morning session will include “Stripe Rust Impacts on Wheat,” Chris Mundt, OSU pathologist, “Pesticide Drift Prevention Strategies,” Cory Cooley, ODA pesticide investigator, “Wireworm Biology and Control in Wheat,” Aaron Esser, WSU Extension agronomist, “Microbiology: some tricks up our sleeves,” Kate Reardon, USDA ARS, “Wheat Insect Pests,” Silvia Rondon, OSU Extension entomologist, and an Update from Oregon Wheat Commission and Oregon Wheat Growers League.

The afternoon will have two tracks of presentations: Track One- Precision Ag will cover deep furrow, high residue drill update, early seeded canola, managing nitrogen using optical sensors, and a panel of growers talking about their on-farm use of variable rate fertilizers. Presenting growers include Herb March of Milton Freewater, Berk Davis of Adams, and Bill Jepsen of Heppner, Oregon.

Track Two for the afternoon will be a pesticide CORE training session covering “Principles of IPM,” “Drift: What is it, when does it happen, and how can we prevent it,” “Sprayer Calibration,” and “Testing Your Knowledge: Pesticide Jeopardy.” 

For a detailed agenda: 

Pesticide recertification credits and Certified Crop Advisor credits are available in the morning and afternoon session. See full agenda for details. There is a $10 registration fee for the seminar which includes lunch. To preregister go online to: www.umatillacountyswcd.com or call Shevon at OSU Extension office (541) 278-5403.

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